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Chesterfield County Personal Injury Lawyer

Personal Injury Lawyer in Chesterfield County 

Personal injuries can happen in a variety of ways and at almost any time. Something as mundane as using a stove to cook dinner, shopping in a grocery store, or walking to work can expose you to danger. When others act carelessly or recklessly and cause you to suffer an injury, the at-fault parties have an obligation to provide compensation.

However, obtaining proper payments following an injury is rarely a simple task. Pursuing a personal injury claim requires intensive evidence collection, a true measurement of your losses, and a knowledge of the law to protect your legal rights.

A Chesterfield County personal injury lawyer may be able to help you to maximize the value of your case. An experienced attorney can stand by your side to prove defendant fault, justify your own actions leading up to the incident, and demand proper payments for your losses.

Get Started

Grounds for a Personal Injury Claim

Most personal injuries are the result of accidents. Even if the defendant did not intend to cause harm, they can be held liable if their actions placed other people at a risk for injury. The legal concept of negligence centers around these accidents.

How Does One Prevail in a Personal Injury Claim?

To prevail in a negligence claim, a plaintiff needs to prove that a defendant breached a legal duty. For instance, all drivers assume a duty to drive in a safe and reasonable manner and to avoid causing harm to others whenever they get on the road. Similar dynamics apply to property owners who invited guests onto their land, the makers of products who sell those items on the market, and medical professionals who take patients under their care.

In all these examples, a defendant must take reasonable steps to prevent harm. However, the exact steps that count as “reasonable” will vary depending on the type of case. A Chesterfield County personal injury attorney can help investigate the incident and identify the correct legal path forward.

Recoverable Damages After an Accident

Any personal injury can have a profound impact on a person's life. While the exact losses will vary from person to person, there are some common threads in all personal injury cases. First, a plaintiff must always suffer a physical injury that requires medical attention. While some people may assume that a plaintiff needs to spend time in a hospital to demand compensation, even a single ER visit can satisfy this requirement. Victims can recover compensation for all costs of reasonable and necessary medical treatment related to the accident.

What is the Purpose of Damages?

The point of a personal injury case is to make a plaintiff whole again. Because many people suffer harm beyond their physical injuries, a claim should take an accurate accounting of all losses. A Chesterfield County accident attorney can help to measure property damage, lost wages, and other losses.

Finally, the emotional impact of many incidents cannot be understated. Many victims suffer from flashbacks, PTSD, or other mental health concerns that limit their enjoyment of life. A Chesterfield County personal injury law firm can help pursue the compensation needed to set things right.

Let a Chesterfield County Personal Injury Attorney Be Your Advocate

The days following the onset of a personal injury are critical because potential defendants move quickly to gather evidence, form a strategy, and to work to obtain witness statements. It is essential that you do the same. However, when you are trying to relax and heal, this process can seem overwhelming.

Fortunately, a Chesterfield County personal injury lawyer may be able to help you. They can work quickly to gather essential evidence, explain the relevant laws that apply to your case, and demand that at-fault defendants provide appropriate compensation. Call today to set up a consultation

“Great law group. Everyone was kind and down to earth. Made me feel like I was their only client. Very attentive to me and my case.”

Karen Jacobs

If you have been injured at work or through the negligence of another individual or entity, contact us at (804) 999-9999 or or use the form below to connect with our legal team. We will fight to get you the justice you deserve.